The morning whittled away (as it so often does on wedding day mornings) and despite a plan to take all sorts of family photos with the bride, no-one seemed to want to put their dresses on a second before it was necessary - including the bride who started getting her dress on about 15 minutes before the ceremony :o)
It was one of the most personal ceremonies I have had the pleasure of attending, accompanied by the couples 'story' and a beautiful song by best friend Louise.

After the receiving line, family risked going outside for photos - but it proved too cold for most and so we ended up finishing off inside.
Speeches came before the meal, and then there was a wonderful hog roast buffet (thankfully the hog had been cooked and carved outside for veggies like myself!)
Once everyone was full, dancing continued into the wee hours and the happy couple eventually dragged themselves to bed.